Some users insist on using bash
. This is a good shell, but not as good
as zsh
. But, I do want them to be able to use the per directory
as well as all the zsh
So I started digging, as the bash
shell does not support a chpwd
This is what I came up with:
{ # Set the initial umask
case "${PWD}/"
umask 007
[[ x"${um}" != x"" ]] && umask ${um}
function cd()
builtin cd "${@}"
umask per directory
I’ve been working with Puppet some time now, and we are configuring our way through a lot of hosts, with 6 persons, all working in the same Puppet master directory.
This should work fine with all UNIX/Linux groups and setgid
directories. But simple problem arose with the git
version control
Once in a while the complete git
repo was destroyed and quite a lot of
searching revealed the reason why.
Compiling OpenSSL and OpenSSH
My server at home runs CentOS 5 and this has OpenSSH version 4.3. Running updates doesn’t update this version, because RedHat keeps the version number stable.
But I wanted a newer OpenSSH because of some nice new features. But when I do compile a new version I’m still stuck with old OpenSSL, and that’s not what I want.
Well, you can guess it by now, this is what I did.
I first got the newest version of OpenSSL and compiled it with
Back to m0n0wall
But a problem with PPTP tunneling made me think again. Was pfSense the way to go?
Well, it wasn’t. When I was trying to get IPv6 up and running it turned out that pfSense doesn’t support IPv6 out of the box. And m0n0wall does. There where some answers on the internet, but I was not willing to hack the pfSense box if that was not needed. And the pfSense website states that IPv6 support will come after the release of 2.0. I’m not going to hold my breath that long. And the PPTP tunneling problem can only be solved when you have a dual external IP address. My provider won’t give me a static one, so two statics is completely out of the question.
My new Internet connection
About a month or two ago I was contacted by my ISP asking if I would like a lot faster internet connection and a lower price. Well, you have to be nuts to deny such an offer, so I decided to comply.
About a week later the new internet modem showed up and I connected everything up.
Running speedtest made me very happy.
Not bad at all :-)
SysAdmin Day
Today is the last Friday of Juli. This means that today is System Administrator Appreciation Day and being a real nerd, I support this day.
Let’s hoot the SysAdmin.
Hmm, VMware and 4k disk blocks
At work we now have a very nice SAN with two machines running VMware vSphere. I did try to add fibre storage to the VMware machines and that didn’t work. I did get a lot of errors and unknown problems. Even Google never heard of them. One of those was ~ Error during the configuration of the host: Failed to get disk partition information ~
Googling for this and more generic terms pointed me to a hint to partition the disk on the VMware server itself and then create a VMFS filesystem onto it. Well, that should be easy enough.