Updated to Linux 3.0

I have a eeePC 900 (the 9” version) running Arch Linux for some time now. I didn’t update it for a while, so, today being a rainy Sunday, I decided it was time to do it.

So, I typed:

pacman -Syu

and waited for about half an hour.

And look what I got

Linux eeetje 3.0-ARCH

Everything is running nice and smooth, so I’m very happy.

Can’t wait to get my hands on Linux 3.11 for Workgroups ;-)

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Update to OS X Lion

Last Friday I decided it was time to update my MacBook to OS X Lion. So I went to the app-store and donated my 23.99 euros to Apple.

The download was fast, very fast, if you consider how many people where downloading at that same moment.

After the download I first made a copy of the installer files, because I read that the installer throws these files away after installation. And, of course, I made a full backup with Time Machine.

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Blaze blogger emoticons

In my original Markdown setup I had some smilies, or emoticons, defined that could be used in the posts. As Python Markdown lacks that I decided to hack it into BlazeBlogger. The only reason being that I can hack Perl and I can’t hack Python.

In the .blaze/config I now have an option called smilies that points to the top of the directory containing all smiley images. If this option is not defined the smiley conversion is skipped.

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Contest is over

Last weekend we participated in the IARU HF championship and we where active for the full 24 hours. We used my own call pa1ton.

Being a very small gun (1 transmitter, two antennas and only 100 watts) we decided that we could have a lot of fun not racing for the points, but trying to work stations we never worked before.

In the end we had 384 QSO’s, which isn’t that much. But we had a QSO with China b7hq (which was pronounced as blavo seven hotel queen), Bangladesh, Vietnam, the IARU-R1 and IARU-R1 headquarters and a couple of vk and zl.

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We are ready for it

Next weekend it’s IARU contest time again.

With pa1pat and Coen we will setup a portable station again, as we have always done.

Using an Icom IC746 and a FD5 longwire of about 80 meters long we try to have lots of fun during the contest. Our goal is to reach over 500 QSO’s in the 24 hour long contest using the single TX and only 100W.

The contest starts on 2011-07-09 1200UTC and runs for 24 hours. That’s 14:00 localtime.

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Those funny technicians

I hope the work is done more serious as the reporting.

Check report
Figure 1. Check report

Switching to a static blog

I have been running WordPress for some time now, and I rather liked it. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that I had to use PHP and a lot of strange software that was almost impossible to keep up to date.

Before I started using WordPress I used NanoBlogger and I liked that because it generates static websites. And I am a big fan of that. But: NanoBlogger is very, very slow and I didn’t like that, as you can imagine.

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Yeah, I found it

A very long time ago, when I was still studying computer science I had a HP15C calculator. And I realy loved it. Unfortunately it was stolen and I couldn’t afford to buy a new one. I ended up using a Casio FX602p. A very, very good calculator, but it’s not a HP15C.

Last Friday I was discussing old times with a nerd like me and we ended up discussing calculators and what the heck, he had used the HP15C as well and hated HP for stopping to sell it, as wel as I do.

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FreeBSD PXE boot Part 2

Some posts ago I wrote that I was busy to find out how a FreeBSD machine can be PXE-ed from a Linux server. Well, I found that some time ago, but I didn’t have the time to type it here, yet. Well, as always, once you know how it’s done, it’s quite simple. But because a lot of the FreeBSD documentation is very old (talking about FreeBSD 4, 5 and 6) it takes some time to find it all.

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Why does Puppet keep breaking?????

In my previous post I stipulated that I was PXE booting FreeBSD. Well this works and I will come back on that. But for the configuration I want to run Puppet. Nice and easy config management.

On my server I run Puppet from source. This because the server is a CentOS box with a very old Ruby and Puppet. So I decided to run the Puppet client from source as well. Getting the git repo is easy enough and installing Puppet should not be to hard.

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FreeBSD PXE Boot

At the moment I’m busy PXE booting a FreeBSD server of a Linux (Ubuntu) machine. I’ve got that running and now I only need to autoinstall Puppet to perform the configuration.

I’ll keep you posted.


Yes!!! I was there!!!

Last night the time finally arrived. The tickets where in `da house' for almost a year now and waiting was over.

We went to Roger Waters, the Wall live at the Gelredome in Arnhem.

A little clip of this concert:

I can’t tell you how it was, because all words I write will not be enough to share this experience. Absolutely fantastic.


Update download page

I’ve added some more downloads to the download page and now I’m running into tiny troubles. When I change a script or configfile, this is placed in this blogs download directory. But the blogs database isn’t updated, so the file size, date/time and revision numbers are not the same on the download page as they are on disk. Of course it’s possible to update all this by hand, every time something changes, but being lazy I created a little script that does this all for me.

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IE(6) Countdown

If you are using IE6 Microsoft wants us to put this on our website:

Then, if you click it, you are forwarded to the IE8 website.

Click on the image if you really want to upgrade your browser.


Received my IPv6 T-shirt

I cleared the Hurricane Electric Sage test way back in August. When you do clear this test, the HE people promise to send you a nice nerdy IPv6 T-shirt. It did take them some time, but today it arrived.

Thanks guys.


SSHFP not always working

I’m trying to make SSHFP work. With these fingerprints in DNSSEC it should be possible to verify a host through DNSSEC.

It seems I’m not the only one having problems. Take a look at Jan-Piet Mens blog.

At the moment I’m trying to link libbind9 with OpenSSH to use the Bind resolver instead of the standard libresolv. This is suggested in this bug report, but I do not have that working, yet.

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Switching to WordPress

I’ve been using nanoblogger for a long time now, but it has some grave disadvantages. First of all it looks like development has stopped. And when I add a new blog entry it takes ages for it to come online.

So I’m in the process of switching to WordPress. As you can see I have a lot of old entries converted (not all yet, but that’s just a matter of hard grinding work).

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pa1ton.nl and tonkersten.com in the IPv6 Hall of Fame

Today I checked my IPv6 connectivity in the [IPv6 test]\{http://ip6.nl/test} and this resulted in

IPv6 Check for pa1ton.nl

and as a result both domains are now in the Hall of Fame

Nothing really special, but nice to have.


New version of git.vi

I was working on a customers project and I had to change a lot of files. This could easily be done with the sed and find commands, but I wanted these changes to be checked in into git as well. And I also wanted the git keywords expanded.

There was always the trick to edit all the files with sed, then edit them again with git.vi and just press ZZ for all files. This would be tedious, I know.

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umask per directory

Some users insist on using bash. This is a good shell, but not as good as zsh. But, I do want them to be able to use the per directory umask as well as all the zsh users.

So I started digging, as the bash shell does not support a chpwd hook.

This is what I came up with:

{   # Set the initial umask
    case "${PWD}/"
            umask 007
            [[ x"${um}" != x"" ]] && umask ${um}
function cd()
    builtin cd "${@}"
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umask per directory

I’ve been working with Puppet some time now, and we are configuring our way through a lot of hosts, with 6 persons, all working in the same Puppet master directory.

This should work fine with all UNIX/Linux groups and setgid directories. But simple problem arose with the git version control stuff.

Once in a while the complete git repo was destroyed and quite a lot of searching revealed the reason why.

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No more WikiLeaks?

The WikiLeaks site cannot be reached. This is because their free DNS provider everydns.com removed the DNS records.

wikileaks DNS ended

The last IP address was, but nobody is answering the http requests.

Looks like they where shutdown.


pa1ton.nl secured with DNSSEC

Last week I wrote that I asked the .nl TLD maintainers to add the DS records for pa1ton.nl to the .nl zone.

And yesterday the big moment was there.

Have a look.

Secure DNS for pa1ton.nl

I just verified this with SIDN and I am number 7 on the list of DNSSEC secured domains in the Netherlands.

Wow, that’s really quick! ;-)



Some time ago I blogged that my zones are signed and now it’s possible to add the DS key to the .nl zone.

This still is a manual process, but I opted in with my pa1ton.nl domain. The .com TLD isn’t signed yet, so the tonkersten.com is still to be done.

I also updated some scripts and things to make it work better ;-)

First I need the ZSK and KSK and I generate them like this: ~ \{.bash} dnssec-keygen -e -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -3 -b 2048 -n ZONE pa1ton.nl dnssec-keygen -a NSEC3RSASHA1 -3 -b 2048 -n ZONE -f KSK tonkersten.com ~

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New git.vi

It took some time, but I did manage to make a new version of git.vi. It has some errors corrected and some extra features.

And now it comes with its own, shiny, new man page. (git.vi.1).

Come and g[ei]t it. It’s in the files section or on github.

Or clone it with: ~ git clone https://github.com/tonk/git.vi.git ~
