I’m registered as a Computable expert and as
required I do have a profile page on their website.
And now I get this (partially in Dutch):
Via je profielpagina op Computable.nl stuurt gift d evals je onderstaand
Met vriendelijke groet, Redactie Computable
Hello am Gift i am 23 years old single. After seen your profile i became
interested in you,so i decide to write you for us to build a good
relationship if you don’t mind,you can email me but
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New header
Posted on June 28, 2012
| 1 minutes
| 31 words
| Ton Kersten
Today I’ve posted a new version of the header
Nothing really fancy happened, just added support for zonefiles
, in
this case the Bind ones.
It’s available at the usual places.
sed tips and tricks
Posted on June 22, 2012
| 3 minutes
| 599 words
| Ton Kersten
I’m creating a Puppet Starter Kit with some standard manifests
included and a complete set of documentation. All documentation should
be written in Markdown
and will be served by Markdoc. But I want to
generate all Markdown files from the Puppet manifests, so I only need to
document the manifest file. Generating the Markdown is not that
difficult, except that I kept ending up with empty lines at the top of
the manifest code and I wanted to get rid of those. Of course this
should be done with sed
, because the whole generation process is
written in bash
. When playing around with sed
I found ~ sed
`/./,$!d' filename ~ which, I think, is genius in it’s simplicity.
After you find something, do not remove. Life in UNIX and Linux is nice!
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Puppet updates
Posted on June 18, 2012
| 1 minutes
| 155 words
| Ton Kersten
When working with Puppet and a VCS (like git
and SVN
) it’s nice to
have a simple way of updating the Puppet tree.
My tree is always in /etc/puppet
and owned by user and group
. User puppet
is allowed to checkout the complete tree from
or subversion
I have created two one-liners to update the complete tree and make sure
all rights are still correct.
~ \{.bash} #!/bin/bash # update_svn su - puppet -c `cd
/etc/puppet; svn up; cd doc; ../bin/gendoc' ~
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World IPv6 day
Posted on June 6, 2012
| 1 minutes
| 50 words
| Ton Kersten
Today is world IPv6 day. So come on you all and make your things IPv6
aware and working. If Google can do it, you surely can as well ;-).
This site is available through IPv6 a long time already and can be
reached at
Join, and that’s an order!
Updated Pygments
Posted on May 16, 2012
| 1 minutes
| 185 words
| Ton Kersten
I’m using Pygments for quite some time now and I just noticed there was
a new version available (1.5). I installed that and I was wondering if
there would be a lexer included for Puppet. Well, it wasn’t, but a short
Google action directed me to the
Pygments lexer for the
Puppet DSL.
Of course my old CentOS 5 system with Python 2.6 doesn’t want to install
this, so I hacked the Puppet lexer into Pygments.
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pdfPres package created
Posted on February 4, 2012
| 1 minutes
| 54 words
| Ton Kersten
To present PDF slides on Linux I use
pdfPres. But when I want
to use this on OS X Lion, this doesn’t work. So I created an OS X Lion
package for pdfPres.
This is only tested on OS X Lion and it does require XQuartz.
MySQL database replication
Posted on January 20, 2012
| 2 minutes
| 388 words
| Ton Kersten
This week I was asked to setup a system with a single MySQL master
server and a couple of slave servers. I have done that before, so there
is no problem. The problem is that I do not do that on a daily basis, so
I need to check the commands every time I set it up. So, as a note to
myself I describe how to setup a single MySQL master with multiple
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Twitter from the console
Posted on December 5, 2011
| 1 minutes
| 88 words
| Ton Kersten
Since a couple of days I’m also on Twitter.
I tried to avoid it for a while, but I wanted to follow some people, so
it was about time I started to Twitter as well.
As you can imagine, no graphics for me. It turned out that wasn’t as
easy as I hoped. Some of the Twitter command line tools did not work or
where that old that they even didn’t compile.
[Read More]
Strange question
Posted on November 2, 2011
| 1 minutes
| 70 words
| Ton Kersten
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been teaching a course for shell-script
When I was explaining $@
and $*
and the difference between these two
a student asked me:
Does the @
have anything to do with the fact that we are talking about
an indirect linked list of command parameters?
Unfortunately I couldn’t answer the question, because I don’t have any
idea what he’s talking about.
[Read More]
Working on We-Blog
Posted on October 7, 2011
| 1 minutes
| 49 words
| Ton Kersten
At the moment I’m working on We-Blog. I added an `alt' tag to pages. The
defined text will be shown on `mouse-over' when you hover over the page
This is part of We-Blog 0.8. This release is not stable yet, but the
current code is already on GitHub.