Ansible @ CfgMgmtCamp

Last couple of days I attended Configuration Managememt Camp in Ghent, Belgium. On Monday morning we started of with presentations of Mark Burgess (CFEngine), Luke Kanies (Puppet) and Adam Jacob (Chef). Good talks about the future of things.

After lunch it got nerdy ans I joined the Ansible room, to see how things went and at 17:00 I started my own presentation for a completely packed room. It’s called `Ansible, why and how I use it' and you can find it on SpeackerDeck.

Later that night we joined the social event and I must say that I was really glad that Toshaan ran out of beer-tickets. Four Triple Karmeliet is more than enough for one evening :-)

The Tuesday was a complete Puppet-day, starting of with a Q-and-A with Luke Kanies. Things started a little slow, but as usual we ran out of time because of the amount of questions.

After stocking up with Belgian Beer the two days ended. Lots of new things learned and to look into. Two days well spent.

See also