Finding key codes on Linux

It often happens that I get into a situation where I need to know key codes of pressed keys. On my Mac that’s simple. Just use the Key Codes by Many Tricks.

But on Linux I constantly was trying to find out which key produced what.

So I ended up writing a program for that. I started of in the shell, but that ended up being rather tricky and unnecessary complicated. So I redid the whole thing in C.

This is the result ~ \{.c} /_ _ Program : code.c * Author : Ton Kersten */

#include <stdio.h> #include <curses.h>

#define DONE `q' #define ESC 0x1b #define SPC 0x20

char ch;

main() \{ printf("Press '%c' to quit!", DONE);

 * Put the terminal in raw mode, with no echo
system("stty raw -echo");

 * Print the header
printf("%4s\t%4s\t%4s\t%4s\r\n", "Char", " Hex", " Oct", " Dec");
printf("%4s\t%4s\t%4s\t%4s\r\n", "----", "----", "----", "----");

 * Set the initial loop value to something odd
ch: DONE-1;
while ( ch != DONE )
{   ch: getchar();

     * Character read. Display it. Look out for < 0x20
    if ( ch < SPC )
    {   if ( ch == ESC )
        {   /*
             * Esc. Just say 'Esc'
                    "Esc", ch, ch, ch);
        {   /*
             * < ' '. Print Control character
                    ch-1+'A', ch, ch, ch);
    {   /*
         * Normal character. Display it normally
                    ch, ch, ch, ch);

 * Put the terminal back to something usefull
system("stty sane echo");

} ~

And this is an example of the output

Press 'q' to quit!

Char     Hex     Oct     Dec
----    ----    ----    ----
Esc     0x1b    0033    0027
O       0x4f    0117    0079
P       0x50    0120    0080
Esc     0x1b    0033    0027
[       0x5b    0133    0091
2       0x32    0062    0050
4       0x34    0064    0052
~       0x7e    0176    0126
q       0x71    0161    0113
code  linux  sysadm 

See also