git RPM's online

Using git on a daily basis now, it bugged me that there are no RPM’s for git on CentOS 5.3. At the git download site it’s possible to download versions for Fedora 9, but that’s not what I want or need.

So I decided to make my own. Downloading the source, unpacking and running make git.spec gave me a basic spec file to start with.

After minor tweaks I tried to cook the RPM, but I was in for a surprise.

The build process crashed because the docs could not be built.

After some investigation I found that CentOS 5.3 thinks that files it installed from the CentOS repo are unsafe.

So building the docs needs a ASCIIDOC_EXTRA = --unsafe in the Makefile.

After that the build crashed because the file git-filter-branch.txt contains + somewhere. Removing them helps.

Oke, now we can have RPM’s, but no gitweb?? So I added that as well and added the patch that we can have tabstops of 4 instead of 8.

The RPM’s are in the files section, with the source RPM, that contains the spec file.


See also