Remove an organization from Git

When I was busy with a late spring-cleaning, I thought it to be a good idea to remove some old repositories from my Git server.

At home I am running Forgejo and when I want to remove a complete organization, I need to click and type a lot.

But Forgejo, just as Gitea has a wonderful API, so, why not use that??

I saw this at Justyns site and I stole ^W borrowed this script.

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The nginx webserver as HTTPS/SSL proxy

As CentOS 7 is getting to the end of it’s live it’s time to start thinking about an upgrade.

On my old server I tried LEAPP a couple of times (on a clone, of course), but success was not really guaranteed. So, a complete reinstall is in order.

But, as I move from CentOS 7 to Rocky Linux 9, this automatically means some packages are no longer available. I was using sslh to connect though SSH and HTTPS on port 443.

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Ansible AWX demo environment

As I was planning an Ansible Meetup about the Ansible Automation Platform (AAP, the successor of Ansible Tower) I was contemplating about a demo environment for the attendants. This can be done with ease as it it nothing more than clicky-di-click.

You can imagine that’s not the way I went :-). There is a simple rule in life:
If you can automate it, automate it. The complete environment is going to be a multipart environment, so that the attendants can experiment and have an environment that slightly resembles real live.

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Let the Cow say moo

When working for a customer I was installing an Ansible Automation Platform cluster and to keep track of all systems I decided to create a nice message of the day, of course with cowsay.

Something like this:

      < Member of the AAP Cluster >      | Host name   : thunderbolt
       ---------------------------       | Host alias  : cn01
                  \   ^__^               | Function    : Ansible AAP Control node
                   \  (oo)\_______       | Location    : Amsterdam
                      (__)\       )\/\   | IP address  :
                          ||----w |      | VMware name : EXDTONKE01
                          ||     ||
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Getting Ansible info into your playbook

Early this week a co-worker asked if it was possible to access the Ansible command-line in a playbook. It seems that is not the case, in a normal, clean Ansible environment.

But in the meantime I was creating a playbook that served multiple purposes, stopping and starting services. These playbooks are completely the same, except for the start and stop keywords. Of course I could have solved that with a variabele, either hardcoded or as an extra variable on the commandline. But, where is the fun in that :-)

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Web Application Firewall and CRS

During my stay at CfgMgmtCamp I attended the presentation of Franziska Bühler (@bufrasch) titled Web Application Firewall - Friend of your DevOps pipeline?. She talked about Web Application Firewalls (WAF) and the Core Rule Set (CRS) for owasp

Being into security and stuff like that myself, I decided I wanted to try to get the web application with ModSecurity up and running in my own test environment.

My test environment consists of a CentOS8 machine with NGINX and it turned out to be a little trickier than I thought.

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Ansible with multiple vault ID's

In our work environment we have role-based access for passwords (of course). But as we deploy all systems with Ansible, we could end up that someone with only deploy permission ends up with access to all passwords. It’s obvious that we don’t want that, so I started checking in to Ansible’s ability to have multiple vault passwords.

Ansible Vault IDs

Starting with Ansible 2.4 and above, vault IDs are supported.

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Ansible with loops or lookup

Since Ansible version 2.5 there is a lot of discussion and confusion about the loop syntax. There is also discussion if with_…​: will be replaced by loop: deprecating the with_…​ keywords. Even Ansibles documentation is not clear about this.

Should I use loop: or with_…​:, in fact nobody really knows. What would the correct syntax be?

- name: Loops with with_ and lookup
  hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
      - john
      - paul
      - mary
      - beer
      - wine
      - whisky

    - name: with nested
        msg: "with_nested: item[0] is '{{ item[0] }}' and item[1] is '{{ item[1] }}'"
        - "{{ people }}"
        - "{{ drinks }}"

    - name: nested and loop
        msg: "nested_loop: item[0] is '{{ item[0] }}' and item[1] is '{{ item[1] }}'"
        - "{{ people }}"
        - "{{ drinks }}"
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Ansible: One Role to Rule them All

I am a long time Ansible user and contributor (since 2012) and I have been struggling with a decent setup for a multi-environment case. I have been designing and re-designing a lot, until I came up with this design. And what a coincidence, a customer wanted a setup that was exactly this. So this concept is a real world setup, working in a production environment.

Did I get your attention? Read after the break, but take your time. it is a long read.

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Running it through Tattr (part 2)

Some time ago I created a playbook to show the content of a rendered template. When you keep digging in the Ansible documentation, you suddenly stumble over the template lookup-plugin. And then it turns out that my playbook is a bit clumsy.

A nicer and shorter way to do it:

# This playbook renders a template and shows the results
# Run this playbook with:
#       ansible-playbook -e templ=<name of the template> template_test.yml
- hosts: localhost
  become: false
  connection: local

    - fail:
        msg: "Bailing out. The play requires a template name (templ=...)"
      when: templ is undefined

    - name: show templating results
        msg: "{{ lookup('template', templ) }}"
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Ansible, loop in loop in loop in loop in loop

A couple of days ago a client asked me if I could solve the following problem:

They have a large number of web servers, all running a plethora of PHP versions. These machines are locally managed with DirectAdmin, which manages the PHP configuration files as well. They are also running Ansible for all kind of configuration tasks. What they want is a simple playbook that ensures a certain line in all PHP ini files for all PHP versions on all webservers.

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Did you run it through TAttr

During my last Ansible training the students needed to create some Ansible templates for them selfs. As I do not want to run a testing template against some, or all, machines under Ansible control I created a small Ansible playbook to test templates.

This is the playbook:

# This playbook renders a template and shows the results
# Run this playbook with:
#       ansible-playbook -e templ=<name of the template> template_test.yml
- hosts: localhost
  become: false
  connection: local

    - fail:
        msg: "Bailing out. The play requires a template name (templ=...)"
      when: templ is undefined

    - name: do template
        src: "{{ templ }}"
        dest: "/tmp/{{ templ }}"

    - name: get template
      command: cat "/tmp/{{ templ }}"
      register: tmplt

    - name: show template
        msg: "{{ tmplt.stdout.split('\n') }}"

    - name: remove template
        path: "/tmp/{{ templ }}"
        state: absent
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Stupid Fedora

Yesterday I removed a simple package from my Fedora 23 machine and after that I got the message

error: Failed to initialize NSS library


Searching the interwebs I found out I wasn’t the first, and probably not the last, to run into this problem.

It seems that, one way or another, the DNF package doesn’t know about the dependency it has on SQLite. So, when a package removal requests to remove SQLite, DNF removes it without questions. Ans thus break itself.

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Docker panics

This morning I was messing around with Docker and I wanted to build me a nice, clean container with Ubuntu in it, to test Ansible thingies. I’ve done that before and everything worked as a charm. Until today.

I have this Dockerfile (I’ve stripped it to the bare bones that still fail):

FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN echo "deb precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get -y update
RUN apt-get -y upgrade
RUN apt-get -y install git git-flow
RUN apt-add-repository -y ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next
RUN apt-get install -y firefox
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Ansible @ Loadays

Last Saturday I attended Loadays in Antwerp, Belgium.

After listening to Jan Piet Mens’s talk about Ansible, I was up for it.

At 11:30 sharp, I started my own presentation for an almost packed room. It’s called Ansible, why and how I use it and you can find it on SpeackerDeck.

It was a lovely talk, with a very knowledgeable crowd.

Please, have a look at it and if you have any questions, let me know.

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rsync on a not standard port

Today a colleague asked me to sync some files to a server that is not listening on SSH port 22.

I normally create a configuration entry in my ~/.ssh/config file, like

Host tosync
    Port 1234
    User syncuser

and then command

rsync -va --progress --inplace . tosync:

But this time I didn’t want to create the entry in my SSH configuration, because I need this trick in a script. So I started to read the rsync manpage and after some experimenting I found

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Resize a partition

I often have to increase the size of a virtual disk on a virtual machine. But I always seem to forget how to do it. I guess I have done it over a 100 times and I cannot remember exactly how I did it. So this blog entry is to help people on how to do this and as a reminder to myself.

This example is done on a virtual machine with CentOS 6, but it can be done on every Linux. And in the fdisk examples I have left out some of the not to interesting lines.

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git status in the prompt

Working with git a lot I decided I needed some git status in my prompt.

I searched the web and some solutions where almost what I wanted and this one by Sebastian Celis came very close.

But it didn’t work with my version of zsh, because that didn’t seem to understand the =~ operator.

I also think Sebastian makes things over complicated and so I changed some things aroud.

This is what I came up with:

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git  sysadm  code  linux 

No network on CentOS 6

When installing a minimal CentOS 6 system, minimal really, really means minimal. After a reboot the network interfaces do not start, so network connectivity is non existing.

Looking into that I noticed that the file /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 contained


The lines that mess things up are NM_CONTROLLED=yes meaning the interfaces are managed with NetworkManager, which isn’t actually installed as part of a minimal install. You want a minimal install, you get a minimal install. And ONBOOT=no, meaning do not start the interface on boot. How stupid is that!

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Finding key codes on Linux

It often happens that I get into a situation where I need to know key codes of pressed keys. On my Mac that’s simple. Just use the Key Codes by Many Tricks.

But on Linux I constantly was trying to find out which key produced what.

So I ended up writing a program for that. I started of in the shell, but that ended up being rather tricky and unnecessary complicated. So I redid the whole thing in C.

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code  linux  sysadm 

sed tips and tricks

I’m creating a Puppet Starter Kit with some standard manifests included and a complete set of documentation. All documentation should be written in Markdown and will be served by Markdoc. But I want to generate all Markdown files from the Puppet manifests, so I only need to document the manifest file. Generating the Markdown is not that difficult, except that I kept ending up with empty lines at the top of the manifest code and I wanted to get rid of those. Of course this should be done with sed, because the whole generation process is written in bash. When playing around with sed I found ~ sed `/./,$!d' filename ~ which, I think, is genius in it’s simplicity. After you find something, do not remove. Life in UNIX and Linux is nice!

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sysadm  linux  code 

Puppet updates

When working with Puppet and a VCS (like git and SVN) it’s nice to have a simple way of updating the Puppet tree.

My tree is always in /etc/puppet and owned by user and group puppet. User puppet is allowed to checkout the complete tree from git or subversion.

I have created two one-liners to update the complete tree and make sure all rights are still correct.

update_svn ~ \{.bash} #!/bin/bash # update_svn su - puppet -c `cd /etc/puppet; svn up; cd doc; ../bin/gendoc' ~

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Updated Pygments

I’m using Pygments for quite some time now and I just noticed there was a new version available (1.5). I installed that and I was wondering if there would be a lexer included for Puppet. Well, it wasn’t, but a short Google action directed me to the Pygments lexer for the Puppet DSL.

Of course my old CentOS 5 system with Python 2.6 doesn’t want to install this, so I hacked the Puppet lexer into Pygments.

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FreeBSD PXE boot Part 2

Some posts ago I wrote that I was busy to find out how a FreeBSD machine can be PXE-ed from a Linux server. Well, I found that some time ago, but I didn’t have the time to type it here, yet. Well, as always, once you know how it’s done, it’s quite simple. But because a lot of the FreeBSD documentation is very old (talking about FreeBSD 4, 5 and 6) it takes some time to find it all.

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Why does Puppet keep breaking?????

In my previous post I stipulated that I was PXE booting FreeBSD. Well this works and I will come back on that. But for the configuration I want to run Puppet. Nice and easy config management.

On my server I run Puppet from source. This because the server is a CentOS box with a very old Ruby and Puppet. So I decided to run the Puppet client from source as well. Getting the git repo is easy enough and installing Puppet should not be to hard.

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