It's been a while
Posted on July 4, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 104 words
| Ton Kersten
It has been a while since the last entry, but I’ve been busy like hell
and on a holiday as well.
But a short update was in order.
I’m now running a PFSense server on a Lanner netbox (FW-7530) as my
firewall. My old Soekris 4801 could not keep up with my 90Mbps internet
connection. The Soekris could only cope with about 45Mbps so that’s not
very good. The Lanner gives me 88.9Mbps and that’s about the limit of
the internet connection. Very nice.
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Got asciidoc working again
Posted on March 5, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 178 words
| Ton Kersten
On my own server I tried to build the Git RPM’s and that worked, but on
the server at work it borked on building the documentation.
asciidoc: FAILED: [tabledef-default] missing section: [tabletags-header]
and Google has never heard of it.
Both servers are running CentOS 5.4 i386, so no differences there. I
started looking for the responsible program and I found out that at home
I have asciidoc version 8.5.1
and at work I have
asciidoc version 8.5.3
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New MySQLBackup
Posted on March 3, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 108 words
| Ton Kersten
It’s been a while, but now there is a new version of the MySQLBackup
This version has a few enhancements and some configuration options were
The main new feature is that it now supports multiple dumps per day. The
old backups will be removed, of course, but only when they are over a
day old.
An added configuration option is that it’s no possible to choose whether
you want the databases locked during the backup.
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(Not) building git RPM's
Posted on March 2, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 141 words
| Ton Kersten
Today I saw that git version was out and while I missed out on
1.7.0 I decided it was time for some RPM’s again.
Well, NOT. The sources built like a charm and I’m using now for
the daily work.
The big problem is the documentation, as always. When I want to build
the docs, the build proces fails with some strange table-header
error, that even Google has never heard off.
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Nanoblogger update
Posted on February 16, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 86 words
| Ton Kersten
Today I saw that a new version of
Nanoblogger was released, so I
decided to update.
I thought this would be a breeze, but it turned out that Kevin (the
maintainer of Nanoblogger) changed a lot between the last two versions.
Nanoblogger calls (in my setup) Markdown to format the webpages and
that’s where it stopped. A little debugging got things going again and I
mailed Kevin the patch.
I guess it will be resolved in the next release.
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Git version
Posted on January 22, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 31 words
| Ton Kersten
This morning a git
( arrived with a copule of nice bug fixes.
I created complete CentOS5 RPM’s for this again.
These new RPM’s can be found in the files section.
Software patents
Posted on January 19, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 26 words
| Ton Kersten
They have started again, those EU nitwits. When does the EU just stop
with this madness?
Stop them now and (re)sign the petition against software patents.
Nanoblogger upgrade
Posted on January 14, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 54 words
| Ton Kersten
Today I upgraded my NanoBlogger software from version 3.3 to version
This whole process was completely painless. Just installed Nanoblogger
3.4.1 and regenerated everything and that was it.
A quick `side by side' compare of the old and the new one revealed
nothing special.
If you see any errors, please let me know.
SSH troubles resolved
Posted on January 5, 2010
| 3 minutes
| 502 words
| Ton Kersten
When I was installing a new server I thought that it would be nice to
have the server display a nice banner when I contact it. With OpenSSH
this is rather easy to achieve. Just setting the Banner
option in
should do the trick. I also thought it would be
nice to have the servername displayed, created with
Figlet. So when I login the screen should look
something like this:
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Git version 1.6.6
Posted on January 4, 2010
| 1 minutes
| 25 words
| Ton Kersten
A new git
(1.6.6) arrived and I thought I should create RPM’s for this
These new RPM’s can be found in the files section.
It's broken again
Posted on November 20, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 205 words
| Ton Kersten
A new git
( arrived and I thought I should create RPM’s for
this again.
This turned out to be rather tedious and frustrating.
Running ~ rpmbuild -ba git.spec ~
as usual gave me this error
I/O error : Attempt to load network entity
/home/tonk/rpmbuild/BUILD/git- warning: \
failed to load external entity ""
Hmm, never seen that one before. Digging around in the Makefile
adding a lot of `echo`s to display some debugging info, I found it.
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MDNS name resolving problem
Posted on November 10, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 131 words
| Ton Kersten
Within a mixed Linux and Microsoft Windows network I ran into the
following problem:
A host with the hostname linux1.firm.local
could be ping`ed and found
with `nslookup
and dig
, but it was impossible to start a ssh
session. The result kept being: Unknown host
Playing Cherlock Holmes revealed that this had to do with Avahi
, so with the .local
part of the hostname.
In my /etc/nsswitch.conf
the hosts:
line read: (Using Ubuntu 8.04)
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UNIX version 7 on x86
Posted on November 5, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 197 words
| Ton Kersten
A co-worker at our company found a VMware
image for an ancient UNIX version, called UNIX V7. This version dates
back to the good old days of 1979, and therefore it is now already 30
years old. He found this at Nordier.
It’s is incredible that a UNIX version of so long ago already supports
multi-processing and multi-user.
I tried to run this version of UNIX on my VMware server version 2.0, but
it got stuck at the command prompt. I could have spent a great deal of
time getting it to work, but playing with KVM recently, I decided to
convert the image to KVM.
[Read More]
Git RPM's online
Posted on October 19, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 38 words
| Ton Kersten
Again, there is a new version of the Git Version Control System
available, named version This version contains some bug-fixes,
no feature enhancements.
This new version ( is now packaged and online in the files
Git 1.6.5 RPM's online
Posted on October 12, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 31 words
| Ton Kersten
This morning I found out that there is a new version for the Git Version
Control System. This new version (1.6.5) in now packaged and online in
the files
OpenFiler repair exercise
Posted on September 16, 2009
| 3 minutes
| 459 words
| Ton Kersten
Yesterday, however, we didn’t have a storage solution but a storage
problem. None of the exported disks could be accessed, neither through
Samba nor NFS. Further investigation showed that the operating disk was
completely kaputt. I tried to make a clone of the disk with
CloneZilla but the clone failed and the new file
systems where unusable as well.
[Read More]
git RPM's online
Posted on September 14, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 183 words
| Ton Kersten
Using git on a daily basis now, it bugged me that
there are no RPM’s for git on CentOS 5.3. At the git download site it’s
possible to download versions for Fedora 9, but that’s not what I want
or need.
So I decided to make my own. Downloading the source, unpacking and
running make git.spec
gave me a basic spec file to start with.
After minor tweaks I tried to cook the RPM, but I was in for a surprise.
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My git Hash filter
Posted on August 10, 2009
| 3 minutes
| 569 words
| Ton Kersten
Some time ago I told you about the vigit
program, to combine editing
and submitting to git. This had some disadvantages, that made me search
for a better solution.
I found this in the git filtering capabilities.
The major problem was that the file was modified by vigit
after it
was checked in to git. This means that the command
always showed differences. That was something I didn’t like at all. But
I do like some version info in the file. And the git-hash as well.
[Read More]
Switching to git completely
Posted on August 9, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 99 words
| Ton Kersten
OK, it took some time, but the holidays where in my way.
I finally switched completely to git, the best version control system
out there, at this moment.
I found a bug in the vigit
program, that I corrected and my header
program is now default for git and I have removed CVS. Nobody should use
that anymore, because it’s rather old and served it’s purpose.
I’m now experimenting with git filters to make the checkin and checkout
better and that there’s no difference between the file on disk and the
one in the repository.
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Jaunty up and running
Posted on July 13, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 78 words
| Ton Kersten
Oke, that’s it. Ubuntu Jaunty up and running. After hardly two hours of
installing and configuring it’s done. I have Ubuntu up and running. With
zsh, Firefox 3.5, OpenOffice 3.1 (although I never use it), all the VPN
connections I need, TeX Live, Mutt, ext4, XFCE 4.6, Wifi, webcam and all
the things I forgot.
I didn’t need Google, hack it or whatever. Just configure it the way I
want. Out of the box, no problems.
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Adding repositories to OpenSolaris
Posted on May 16, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 102 words
| Ton Kersten
After a week of Prince2 and coming back to my old self again I started
my laptop in OpenSolaris. There where some minor things that needed to
be resolved. Trying to resolve these was not at all easy, because I
needed some extra software not available in the OpenSolaris repository.
Searching the web (Google is certainly your friend) I found some extra
repositories I could use. These can be easily installed using the
package manager, so I’ll give the URL’s only.
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Prince2 foundation exam
Posted on May 13, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 160 words
| Ton Kersten
The last 3 days were very hectic. I attended the course Prince2
Foundation which prepared me for the Prince2 exam. Three days of good
old, hardcore studying. I really felt like an old man, not a student. I
can hardly believe I did this for years non-stop and partied all the
time. I even get exhausted thinking about it. Those were really good
times, with very fond memories.
But all the hard work payed off. I did pass the exam (unofficially for
now) and I do now have a Prince2 Foundation qualification.
[Read More]
Installing OpenSolaris on my laptop
Posted on May 10, 2009
| 2 minutes
| 337 words
| Ton Kersten
My private laptop came delivered with Windows (of course), but I wanted
a UNIX/Linux like OS as well. Running a lot of computers with Linux
(Ubuntu, CentOS, Slackware, Debian and others) I decided I wanted
something else.
I came up with the idea that it should be Solaris, to experiment with
the fantastic ZFS. But the real Sun Solaris lacks support for my laptop,
so I thought I could run OpenSolaris, which has better hardware support.
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sed breaks links
Posted on May 4, 2009
| 1 minutes
| 212 words
| Ton Kersten
When using the stream editor (sed
) with the -i
option, it does
break links. Like this:
~$ mkdir test
~$ cd test
~/test$ echo Hello > f1
~/test$ ln -s f1 f2
~/test$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:28 f1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tonk tonk 2 May 4 09:28 f2 -> f1
~/test$ sed -i.bck 's/Hello/Bello/' f2
~/test$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:28 f1
-rw-r--r-- 1 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:29 f2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 tonk tonk 2 May 4 09:28 f2.bck -> f1
~/test$ rm f2 f2.bck
~/test$ ln f1 f2
~/test$ ls -l
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 2 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:28 f1
-rw-r--r-- 2 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:28 f2
~/test$ sed -i.bck 's/Hello/Bello/' f2
~/test$ ls -l
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 2 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:28 f1
-rw-r--r-- 1 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:29 f2
-rw-r--r-- 2 tonk tonk 6 May 4 09:28 f2.bck
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That bloody Shift-Backspace
Posted on April 24, 2009
| 2 minutes
| 239 words
| Ton Kersten
On my laptop I’m running Ubuntu Linux 8.04 with
XFCE 4.6 and it works great. But (Isn’t there
always a but'?) every once in a while I killed my Xsession with some
type of key combination. The standard combination for this is
so I switched that off in the file
/etc/X11/xorg.conf'. I added the`ServerFlags`section, like this. ~ Section "ServerFlags" Option "DontZap" "on" EndSection ~ After restarting I tried the dreadful`Ctrl-Alt-Backspace
and I thought that `Bob’s your uncle'.
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