We-Blog with clouds

Today I received an email from Chris Hackenschmidt with a patch for a category cloud for my We-Blog program.

Of course I have implemented that and you can see it in action on the right.

So, a new version of We-Blog is out, currently still 0.9, with a big Thank You to Chris.

Download it and enjoy.


New version of We-Blog

Today I released version 0.8 of We-Blog.

Version 0.8 is now the stable branch and 0.9 the development branch.

What’s new?

Well, to be really honest, not that much. I fixed some minor bugs and did a lot of code cleanup. Although the original code of Jaromir was very nice, there was some room for improvement. I removed a lot of double functions and variables and put them all together in a We.pm Perl module. Saves a lot of work with an update.

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blog  code 

What the *F*

I’m registered as a Computable expert and as required I do have a profile page on their website.

And now I get this (partially in Dutch):

Beste Ton Kersten,

Via je profielpagina op Computable.nl stuurt gift d evals je onderstaand bericht.

Met vriendelijke groet, Redactie Computable

Contact me with this email giftevals@yahoo.com

Hello am Gift i am 23 years old single. After seen your profile i became interested in you,so i decide to write you for us to build a good relationship if you don’t mind,you can email me but (giftevals@yahoo.com)

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blog  spam 

Updated Pygments

I’m using Pygments for quite some time now and I just noticed there was a new version available (1.5). I installed that and I was wondering if there would be a lexer included for Puppet. Well, it wasn’t, but a short Google action directed me to the Pygments lexer for the Puppet DSL.

Of course my old CentOS 5 system with Python 2.6 doesn’t want to install this, so I hacked the Puppet lexer into Pygments.

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Working on We-Blog

At the moment I’m working on We-Blog. I added an `alt' tag to pages. The defined text will be shown on `mouse-over' when you hover over the page link.

This is part of We-Blog 0.8. This release is not stable yet, but the current code is already on GitHub.


Blaze blogger emoticons

In my original Markdown setup I had some smilies, or emoticons, defined that could be used in the posts. As Python Markdown lacks that I decided to hack it into BlazeBlogger. The only reason being that I can hack Perl and I can’t hack Python.

In the .blaze/config I now have an option called smilies that points to the top of the directory containing all smiley images. If this option is not defined the smiley conversion is skipped.

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Switching to a static blog

I have been running WordPress for some time now, and I rather liked it. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that I had to use PHP and a lot of strange software that was almost impossible to keep up to date.

Before I started using WordPress I used NanoBlogger and I liked that because it generates static websites. And I am a big fan of that. But: NanoBlogger is very, very slow and I didn’t like that, as you can imagine.

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Update download page

I’ve added some more downloads to the download page and now I’m running into tiny troubles. When I change a script or configfile, this is placed in this blogs download directory. But the blogs database isn’t updated, so the file size, date/time and revision numbers are not the same on the download page as they are on disk. Of course it’s possible to update all this by hand, every time something changes, but being lazy I created a little script that does this all for me.

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Switching to WordPress

I’ve been using nanoblogger for a long time now, but it has some grave disadvantages. First of all it looks like development has stopped. And when I add a new blog entry it takes ages for it to come online.

So I’m in the process of switching to WordPress. As you can see I have a lot of old entries converted (not all yet, but that’s just a matter of hard grinding work).

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Switching to WordPress

I’ve been using NanoBlogger for some time now, but the evolution of this stuff lacks progress. So, as an experiment I’ve setup Wordpress and I’ll see how that feels.


Updated the Geek Code

It was a long time ago that I created a Geek Code Block for myself. As I aged this block aged with we, so it was about time I updated it.

Take a look at the about page to see the new code. I also added a decoded version for those who do not like to decode stuff.


W3C Compliant

I did take a lot of care to make this site W3C compliant, but a little bug entered the code. This spoiled it and W3C give me 48 errors. Of course that’s too much. A little debugging session showed the problem and now I’m W3C again.

Have a look at the W3C Validation Service


Nanoblogger code plugin

Miek pointed me to a nice plugin for Nanoblogger called the Code Plugin

Some nice examples:

#include <stdio.h>

int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    /* A Hello world example */
    (void) printf( "Hello, World!\n" );

    return 0;



# A Hello world example
echo "Hello world"

If you want to cut and paste code examples, just go into `vi` and give it a

~~~ {.vim}
:%s/^[0-9]* //